
Understanding Percentage Completion and Completed Contracts

In the construction industry there are two main methods that are used to recognize revenue,...

1099 Reporting

Believe it or not, but we are almost three months away from the end of another year. During the...

Does your Company Need a Financial Audit?

A financial statement audit is the examination of an entity's financial statements by an...

Audit Committees in Non-Profit Organizations

Having an audit committee can provide governance that may be lacking in a non-profit organization....

Should you upgrade to Windows 10?

Windows recently released its newest operating system called Windows 10. Microsoft is offering a...

Tax Notices

Getting a letter from IRS or State Department of Revenue could be alarming for all of us. However,...

Document Management System

Owning a small business can generate a large volume of paper documents. Organizations and...

Employee Theft

Statistics show that well over half of small business employees have stolen from their employer at...

Health Insurance-Do I or Don’t I? Should I or Shouldn’t I?

Health insurance has been a big buzz and probably one of the most confusing issues over the past...

Should all Kentucky retirement contributions be subject to FICA and Medicare taxes?

The state of Kentucky is in negotiation with the IRS over claims that all KY retirement...