
Get ready for the new lease standard

A new accounting rule for reporting leases goes into effect in 2019 for public companies. Although...

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act - New Changes

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) includes many changes that affect tax breaks for employee...

Public vs. Private: When Should Accounting Rules Differ?

Small private companies often criticize the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) for writing...

Blockchain may soon drive business worldwide

“Blockchain” may sound like something that goes on a vehicle’s tires in icy weather or that perhaps...

Haven’t filed your 2017 income tax return yet? Beware of these pitfalls

The federal income tax filing deadline is slightly later than usual this year — April 17 — but it’s...

A net operating loss on your 2017 tax return isn’t all bad news

When a company’s deductible expenses exceed its income, generally a net operating loss (NOL)...

Internal control testing: What role does sampling play?

Auditors must test the effectiveness of internal controls before signing off on your financial...

A total return unitrust can help maintain family harmony

A traditional trust can sometimes create a conflict between the lifetime and remainder...

3 ways to supercharge your supervisors

The attitudes and behaviors of your people managers play a critical role in your company’s success....

You still have time to make 2017 IRA contributions

Tax-advantaged retirement plans like IRAs allow your money to grow tax-deferred — or, in the case...