
IRS Increases Attention on Cryptocurrency

Many taxpayers are increasingly using virtual currencies and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin,...

IRS Announces Standard Mileage Rates to Increase in 2022

On Friday, December 17, 2021 the IRS announced that the rate taxpayers may use to compute...

The Future of Telehealth: Changes and Regulations

Before the pandemic, telehealth was still relatively rare, with only one in four U.S. healthcare...

Prescription Drug Cost - Improved Oversight

Prescription medications account for a major portion of the cost of healthcare for Americans....

Moving Toward More Transparent Hospital Pricing

One of the issues that have concerned many healthcare consumers in the U.S. is a lack of...

Bridging the Labor Skills Gap | Construction

In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic has acted as an accelerant for certain trends that were taking...

Why Construction Companies Should Be Tracking Employee Vaccination Status

It's safe to say that the ongoing pandemic has changed just about every industry with construction...

Construction Cost Tracking Tips

One of the more difficult challenges construction companies face is meticulously planning a budget...

IRS Recommends Taxpayers Plan Now to Make Tax Filing Easier In 2022

According to a recent IRS news release, taxpayers who received stimulus payments or advance Child...

Workers' Families Now Included in COVID Vaccine Tax Credit

One of the key strategies deployed in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic is achieving a high...